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San Fernando









Montefrío has, as it should be in a good Andalusian village, many festivals throughout the year. One of the primary takes place in June, Feria de junio, with a varied program for everyone, with the best orchestras! The third weekend of June.

On the 18th of August there is "Fiestas Patronales de Agosto". The feast in honor of the patron of the "Virgen de los Remedios". This festival is the most symbolic. It has an extensive program and begins at least a week earlier with the first festivities.
Then there is in the autumn, the Feria de Septiembre, this looks very much like the feria in June, but both parties still have their own identity and programming. It's held the third weekend of September.

But Montefrío also has a few less familiar activities such as the flamenco festival Manuel Ávila. A tribute to the singer Manuel Ávila, traditionally celebrated in the week prior to the Fiestas de Agosto Patronales.

The countryside offers local cuisine! What to think of the menu below, to get you in the mood!

Remojón de San Marcos
Relleno de Carnaval
Sopa de lomo de orza y espárragos trigueros
Sesos al mojeteo
Gazpacho de espárragos

Sopa fría de boquerones en escabeche
Pollo en salsa de almendra

Albóndigas en caldo
Papas ajilimili o en miguilla
Potaje de Semana Santa
Arroz caldoso con lomo y chorizo

Cuajado del Almendras
Croquetas de chocolate
Natillas de Almendra

The recipes of the dishes above are typical Montefrío or from this area. You can find the recipes in the book "Cocina tradicional de los Montes para la gente de hoy" Loosely translated, the traditional cuisine from the mountains for the people of today.
During the launch of the book the first "Feria de tapas" were held which now has a sequel every year in the first week of June, you can enjoy culinary delights.

But to pamper yourself outdoors, there are plenty of good restaurants and bars to be found, to eat delicious food.
On Monday there is a market on the north side of the village.